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Social Media Advertising & Ad Campaign Services


Social Media Advertising and Ad Campaigns are not only regarded as an artform but also a science, and are often considered as the most valuable and rewarding social media related mediums today for any individual, brand or business. The complexities and demands of running such services can be extremely daunting and time consuming for businesses. Thankfully here at Romedia Digital we use our social listening technologies and advanced media planning and optimisation procedures, to provide the most effective return on investment (ROI) to all of our client’s social media advertising campaigns.


We appreciate that Social Media Advertising is an essential element of building your community and brand. Thankfully our devoted team work hard to devise targeted, creative and engaging Social Advertising Campaigns that outmart the competition, build brand awareness by amplifying the organic reach of your posts, while driving more sales and web traffic in the process. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Facebook/Instagram Ad Strategy & Implement
  • Budget Management
  • Segmented Targeted Audience (A/B Testing)
  • Facebook/Instagram Ad Optimisation
  • Reporting, Insights and Analytics


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