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Google Analytics & Optimisation


Google Analytics is a powerful and free comprehensive website analytics tool that provides detailed statistics for the purpose for analysing your website’s traffic and helping you to understand how your audience is interacting with your website’s content. At a first glance the interface can be extremely daunting, however we help you to dissect the data and understand what website-specific decisions to make and where.

Not only do we help you to implement Google Analytics into your website, but we help you with understanding the following:

  • Real-Time
    See how your audience is interacting with your website in real-time. Find out where these visitors have come from, what content they are viewing, and much more.
  • Audience
    Learn about your audience. Look at the demographics of your visitors, how they engage with your content, and what devices they use to access your site.
  • Acquisition
    Find out where your traffic is coming from, how people are reaching your site, and how each traffic source is behaving on your website.
  • Behaviour
    Learn how people behave and move around your site. View data on bounce rates, page views, time spent on site, and more
  • Conversions
    Track specific actions that your visitor take – and how effectively your website gets people to take those actions.


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Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.